Traffic Flow
Arrival And Dismissal Details
- The school Day Begins at 8:25am and ends at 3:45pm.
- Students are expected to be in their classroom ready to learn by 8:25am. The front and back doors open at 8:00am.
- Students dropped off between 8:00 - 8:20am will wait in the gym or the library until the bell rings to dismiss them to their 1st period class.
- 7th grade students should be dropped off at the front of Dawson MS.
- 8th grade students should get dropped off at the back of Dawson MS.
- If you have a student at both Dawson and Eubanks, you may drop them off in the front as well.
- Students riding the bus to school will get dropped off at the back of Dawson MS in the morning. Students riding the bus home will load the bus at the front entrance in the afternoon.
- We will have a hard cut-off of 3:30 for parents to pick up their students from the front office. Please plan accordingly for appointments. If you arrive after 3:30, you will need to pick up your student in the car line in the back of the school.
Please see the image below for our after school pick up line. Buses are in the front, so all students must be picked up in the back of the school. Parents/Guardians will need to pull all the way forward in the car rider lane to wait for their student. The blue line is for families who have students at Eubanks & Dawson to pick up.