Gifted and Talented Identification Process
The window has opened for current CISD students who wish to sign up for qualification for gifted and talented services. Students will be assessed initially using the CogAT and ITBS tests. Please see the schedule below to plan your family’s schedule. Students must take all 4 tests. There are no preparation materials available for these assessments. In addition to the testing, students entering grades 7 and 8 who have not yet been identified as gifted and talented must be nominated by a parent, teacher, counselor, community member, or themselves. It is not necessary for a student who is already identified as gifted and talented in Carroll ISD to participate in testing again.
To begin the identification process, please fill out the CISD Middle School Gifted and Talented Nomination and Referral Form by Friday, February 28th, at 4:00PM.
Any questions or concerns, please contact Craig Mims at craig.mims@southlakecarroll.edu.
Key Dates in the Process:
- The spring testing window closes Friday, February 28th at 4:00pm.
Testing Week 2025-2026
Monday, March 3rd--CogAT (4:00-6:15)
Tuesday, March 4th--ITBS Reading (4:00-5:15)
Wednesday, March 5th--ITBS Math (4:00-5:15)
Thursday, March 6th--ITBS Science (4:00-5:00)
Tuesday, March 11th--Make Up Day if needed.
Notifications go out week of April 7th
Consent to Place and Notice of Appeal due by April 25th
Students who are new to CISD will be tested in August.